Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Not Marry Other Christians? - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

Of course, Christians who want to marry are commanded to choose only a fellow believer. ( 1 Corinthians 7:​39) Jehovah’s Witnesses view this command as referring not merely to a person who respects our beliefs but to one who shares and practices those beliefs as a baptized Witness. ( 2 Corinthians 6:​14) God has always directed his worshippers to marry only those of the same faith. ( Genesis 24:3; Malachi 2:​11) This command is also practical, as modern researchers have found.
I know some will reprove me saying 'we are all Christians.'
Think: If you marry, will you appreciate if she didn't come to your church? Will it end in happiness? Would you share her beliefs? Even greatly, it will be disobedience to our God. We appreciate marrying people who share our beliefs; it brings happiness and we can avoid marry problems as pre-marital sex, unwanted pregnancies, and STDs.
Next time when you say 'we are all Christians,' do well to be open-minded to ask yourself if your beliefs are the same with ours.

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