What Does The Resurrection Of Christ Signify To You As A Christian? - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

As for me,

The resurrection of Jesus is a testimony to the general resurrection of all humans, which will be followed by the dispensing of God's justice; to the righteous there will be a "resurrection of life" and to the unrighteous a "resurrection of condemnation" ( John 5:28-29 ; cf. Rev 20:4-6 ).

Regardless of the complex time sequence involved in the various resurrections recorded in the New Testament, Jesus' bodily resurrection is the basis for the future resurrection of humans ( 1 Cor 15:42-50 ).

The Spirit, which was given after his resurrection, is the "guarantee" (or "first installment"wink that God will raise the righteous from the dead, and that they will not be found "naked, " that is, incorporeal ( 2 Cor 5:1-5 ; cf. Eph 1:13-14 ), but will have a corporeal existence with God.

Even though believers "groan" while in their bodies ( 2 Cor 5:2 ), they will be "further clothed" after their resurrection (v. 4). There will be recompense for what was done in the body; therefore, one must seek to please God (vv. 6-10).

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