Is 3 O'Clock The Most Effective Hour To Pray? - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

How true is this assertion that prayers @3 o' clock are more effective??

The Catholics call it "Divine Mercy" prayers

People say 3AM is the Devil's time, since Christ died in sacrifice at 3PM on that Good Friday, ( Matthew 27 Vs 45: "From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land" ) , and the Devil likes to twist everything God makes, he would choose the opposite time to make his misdeeds. So, some people would wake up at that time to pray, believing that it's more necessary, while others always add that it's the period where there was a Divine interaction between man & God, an ease of passage of Man from physical into supernatural, (In Chris's death), therefore God is usually more accessible at that hour.

Have you ever experienced any of such "effectiveness" in prayers @ this hour??

I have a friend who testified to that...

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