"How I Embraced Sexual Purity And Chastity - My Journey" - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

By Sunday Akanni Moshood

The other day, I stumbled on a thread where someone was asking why people have chosen to abstain from premarital sex and all of that. Then, it came to my mind to even write something about my own experience. Don't worry, I will make this one brief (perhaps the long version will come years from now when I will probably write a book about my life).

When I was a little boy, despite that my immediate environment wasn't one that encouraged full blown spirituality (in God), I usually feel the hand of God on me, and I'm usually conscious of His presence. As I approached the adolescence period of my life, as expected, sexual urges started coming, and I was also with the desire to express these emotions. Despite that the devil stationed other young teenage females around, I found myself being hindered continually from defiling myself.

While I was still contemplating, as a very young teenager, if I should taste sex once, or wait until marriage, everything changed after God visited me with His offer.....

The Host of Heaven paid me a visit as a young boy, and the offer was: Walk before Me and be perfect, and in return, I will give you...... In return, I will make you....

After reflecting deeply on which way to go, I decided to go for God's offer, since I discovered it is more beneficial to me. So, it means I have to fight to ensure I won't fall into temptation and displease God.

Interestingly, God made it so easy for me.. When I see young people lamenting that their sexual urges are "driving them insane", I will be like, is this not the same sexual urges that I have? The same sexual urges I have, that I'm fully in control of?

The best decision I made in my life was deciding to embrace God's offer from a very young age and walk with Him. I keep enjoying pleasantness in all regards. I keep enjoying His Grace in awesome ways. I keep getting great things others struggle for, easily.

In fact, one of the rewards was writing to encourage others to embrace purity and chastity. I have been writing since I was a young teenager, and my books and articles are being bought and read in different parts of the world - even in faraway places like India! I became the person that people Google Search his name to know what he offers. And of course, I'm sure God is still taking me to higher grounds.

Because of that decision, I can boldly say it anywhere that I haven't indulged in premarital sex and I'm undefiled. And guess what? I'm very fine! Very healthy. I won't defile myself, and so, my messages will keep touching the world with fire, and bring people to the will of God through Jesus Christ.

Beloved, just as God gave me the offer, He is also giving you the offer to walk before Him and be perfect. If you align yourself with God by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and you decided to devote your life to Him, He will give you dominion over sin, the devil, creation (financially, health wise, family wise, etc).

Jesus said: "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Like me, you can live an undefiled life. Don't believe the lies of the devil that you can't control these urges. Stop allowing sexual immorality wreck your life. Flee from all appearances of sin.

Jesus wants an eternal communion with you. It is your destiny to serve God in Spirit and in Truth through Jesus Christ His Son, and have dominion over creation. Open yourself to the Lord. Call upon His Name, and He will help you. God bless you.

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