Are We Truly Safe, When We Commit Sin With Condoms? - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

Are We Truly Safe, When We Commit Sin With Condoms?

"Safe sex" is what the world calls sex that is had with the use of condoms.

And this is regardless whether or not the condom is used during fornication, adultery or any other sexual sin, but just because it was devised to offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, is the reason sex done using condoms is called "safe sex".

Now it's not that I'm against the use of condoms during sex and believe it's wrong, but what I have serious issues with, is the idea that there's any such thing as a "safe sin", because that's certainly not true.

The Truth is that anyone who commit sins is not safe.

John 5:14 (KJV)

14 Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.

So it didn't matter if the man committed sin with a condom or without a condom, the instruction from Jesus to the man was clearly that he "sinned no more, less a worse thing come upon him", because as long as the man continued to sin, he's simply not safe!

And the man Jesus said this to was someone He just healed of a terrible infirmity that had plagued him for thirty-eight whole years, and yet He told him to sin no more so that something worse wouldn't come upon him.

So what could be worse than having such a terrible infirmity for thirty-eight years? That's what sin could yet bring upon him if he continues to sin.

And that saying of Jesus didn't just apply to that man, but to anyone who cares to hear the Truth, "sin no more, less something worse comes upon you"!

Because without sin, no sickness would have been able to come upon any man, for any sickness, disease or even death that had come upon any man, came either directly or indirectly through someone's sin.

For before sin, man was completely safe and fully protected that no sickness or such evil could possibly befall him. And this was despite Satan yet being very present. But man's obedience of God's Word gave man complete immunity against such evils that it made Satan presence there to be utterly useless and meaningless, as the devil couldn't do more than a dead rat to man.

But it was only after man sinned and disobeyed God's Word that such evils could possibly be brought upon him, as it gave Satan the power he had to do any damage to man's body.

For sin makes man to lose any immunity or protection he has against the devil's powers and devices, and hence gives the devil the free access and freedom to accomplish what he only comes to man to do, which is to steal, kill and destroy.

Hence Jesus saying, "sin no more, lest something worse comes upon you,"
because sin makes anyone who commits them very liable to such evils which the devil could bring upon someone.

So anyone who believes he is having "safe sex" while he is fornicating, committing adultery, and other sexual sins, just because he is using condom, has only fallen for a lie of the devil, because no one who commits sin is truly safe.

God bless.

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