Five Reasons Why No Christian Should Commit Sucide - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

Here, I present to you top five reasons why no man should commit suicide. Please, sit down, relax and read calmly.

Reasons Why You Should Not Commit Suicide.

• Suicide signifies the violation of the sixth commandment
Exodus 20:13
[13]Thou shalt not kill.
One of the twenty commandments God gave the Israelites was that no man should kill. It is clearly written and it's the sixth commandment. This was written to them to guide them in their dealings.

Also, we may claim that today, we have a new covenant. But do not forget that, Jesus said;
Matthew 5:17
[17]Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Jesus did not come to abolish the law neither are we allowed to abolish it. The truth is, we should not totally do away with the Old testament. Because some portions are profitable.

If any man commits suicide he has violated the command of the Word. And every act of rebellion against God's command attracts divine punishment.

God is the one who judges. I am not in the position to judge anyone. But, I have no point in deceiving you. Nobody attracts God's blessing by committing suicide.

None of those who committed suicide as written in the Scriptures were honoured or celebrated by God for doing so. And God has never compensated anyone for such act.

This shows that suicide does not elate God. God is not pleased in anyone who commits suicide as it is an act that violates God's commandment.

So, one of the reasons no man should kill himself is that it is an act of violating the sixth commandment.

Poor management of God’s property
Suicide attempt
1 Corinthians 6:19
[19]What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

The Bible says that we are not the owners of this body. God’s Word maintains that God owns us as we have been bought with a price.

This truth is non-negotiable. Therefore, anyone who misuses God’s property is a poor manager. Such person will incur the wrath of God.

You are not your own. God is the owner of your body. It is unwise for you to say you can do anything you like with your body. As long as you are not the owner of this body.

Frankly speaking, you are not permitted to take your life. As a pastor is responsible for every soul God puts in his care.

In like manner, every man is responsible for his own soul. And you are accountable to God for it.

Anybody who decides to kill himself has decided to mismanage God’s property.

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• Usurpation of God’s authority to life and death
Suicide attempt
Job 12:10
[10]In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

Every soul is in the hand of God. And every breadth of every man belongs to Him.

Therefore, no man is given the authority to kill himself because it’s not in the hand of any man.

Whoever commits suicide usurps God’s authority to life and death. And this is an absolute rebellion. Because God likens rebellion to witchcraft (1 Sam 15:23).

Nobody is given the power, authority and prerogative to do whatever he likes with his soul. Get this ingrained in your cerebrum.

You don’t have access to your life.

God is only one in the position to lengthen the days of men. And he is also in the position to request for the souls of men.

Only God can kill and make alive.

Don’t usurp his authority by killing yourself. He knows why he has kept you alive till this moment.

So, the one who has kept you alive has a way of helping you. That’s if you can call upon Him. No matter your situation, God can help you.

• Suicide symbolises hatred towards one body
Ephesians 5:29
[29]For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.

Suicide represents hatred one has towards his own body. God expected everyone to cherish and love his body.

But to kill oneself means one has hated himself.

The Bible enjoins us to love and not to hate. That’s the basic truth of God’s Word. He wants love not hatred.

He wants you to love God, yourself (body) and people around you.

However, it is unexpected of us to hate our bodies. Suicide symbolises hatred. Let every man avoid suicide thought.

And let no man attempt to commit suicide.

• Suicide shows our inability to endure suffering
Romans 5:3-5
[3]And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
[4]And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
[5]And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Many people committed suicide basically because they owed huge sum amount of money and they could not pay up.

While some committed suicide because there financial situation was becoming unbearable.

More over, Jesus said many things as regards suffering for His sake.

He said we would have tribulations but we should take heart because he has overcome the world (John 16:33).

Tribulations are unavoidable for believers.

When a man takes his life because he thinks he is experiencing too much trouble. That man has shown his inability to endure tribulations.

Let’s all strive to endure. Although, no suffering seems pleasant but at the end it produces the fruit of joy.

In any situation you find yourself, just endure. Endurance will enable you to follow the Lord till the end. Endure that suffering because it has an expiry date. It will end if you can endure.

May the Lord strengthen you to endure in all circumstances? Amen!

If you are nursing suicidal ideation. Please, send your me your mail on tundekorede blog


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