Why You Should Not Hurt Anyone - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

Try as much as possible with you, never to hurt anyone as you wish, because..

GOD ALMIGHTY made man in his own image and after his likeness. Anyone who have seen the semblance of GOD ALMIGHTY and man have seen GOD ALMIGHTY and CHRIST JESUS

Not with your optical eyes anyway. When you hurt us, you hurt the ONE who sent us and that will be working for satan.

Satan has vow to make war with human race. Especially against us who do good and spreads it the world over.

Revelation 12:17 And the dragon - satan was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of JESUS CHRIST.

Don‘t be an agent of darkness. You were created in POWER and WISDOM to perform goodworks which GOD ALMIGHTY pre-prepared ahead of the ages.

Fulfill your HEAVENLY FATHER'S dream for earth.

Make this world habitable for all. Even for animals and every other creatures.

JESUS said “you should preach the gospel - goodness - work to every creatures under HEAVENS“.

Acting the goodness of GOD ALMIGHTY and CHRIST JESUS not just some empty talk.

Do the talk

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