Ladies, When You Only Meet Men That Only Want Sex - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

It is not uncommon seeing women who are always complaining about how they keep meeting men that are only interested in sleeping with them. In fact, some women now thinks there are no responsible men out there that still have full control over themselves and don't fornicate or commit adultery (or other immoral acts)

If you are a single lady who has been dumped by several guys because of your no-sex-till-marriage stance, and you are now getting tired (or about to compromise), this message is meant to strengthen you not to settle for less, and not to allow any guy make you sin against God your Creator.

What God has instructed is that sexual pleasures should only be shared between a married man and his wife inside the safe circle of their marriage institution. So, if you have made a decision to honour Jesus with your life (and body) by adhering to His commandments, then you should not allow anyone make you feel sorry for your purity stance, and you should not allow anyone push you off the path of sexual purity.

Many ladies do ask, "why do I keep meeting men that want sex before marriage?".. The answer is simple: "You keep meeting men who are ungodly and without the fear of God"

I can assure you that there are still lots of God-fearing men out there who themselves are honouring God with their bodies. When I say God-fearing men, I'm talking about men that have made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior, and are serving God in spirit and in truth. These are the type of men you should associate with. Unlike the "bad boys" out there, a born again Christian won't regard you as a mere tool for bodily pleasure, but will even contribute to your growth in important areas. In fact, a sure way to enjoy your marriage is by marrying a genuine born again Christian, where the foundation of your home is built on Christ. Such a man, who himself is Christ's bride, will know how to please God by treating you as the queen you are meant to be

I see some ladies today living anyhow they want and will always say, 'I want a God-fearing man' (or will always complain that all the men coming to them are only irresponsible sex-chasers). Well, likes will always attract likes. A born again Christian will want to marry a child of God like himself, and won't go for a lady that lives anyhow (indulge in acts contrary to God's Will).

Therefore, to attract a God-fearing born again Christian, you must be a guniune child of God too (God won't give any of His true sons to just any kind of lady that will ruin his sonship). So, you must make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior and start living a life devoid of sin and iniquity. Focus on serving God in spirit and in truth, and He knows how He will connect you with a responsible God-fearing man that will ensure you have a joyful marriage

Please, don't compromise your purity stance. I know you are getting older and many of your mates are already married. But listen to me, God is about to do something great in your life if you will continue holding to His Word. You are facing those temptation because the devil already sensed your greatness, and he is doing all he could to hinder you from being the great woman God has destined you to be.

Men that are disturbing you for sex are majorly agents of satan that were sent to ruin your life. Please, don't allow them. If you are currently in a sinful relationship where you and the guy are already indulging in immoral activities, quit the relationship immediately, and ask God for forgiveness.

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