Where Does The Human Soul Go To After Death? - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

This question goes to study what happens to the soul after the last breath of life on this physical Earth.

1. The first school of thought tells us that the soul goes to heaven or hell immediately depending on the choices made while on Earth citing Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"

2. Another school of thought tells us that the soul doesn't go to heaven or hell immediately, but all soul is resting either in Abraham's bosom or Hades pending the rapture of the saints. It is said that if souls were already in heaven or hell, why would they need to rise up to reign with Jesus, or why will the bad ones rise up to the great white throne Judgement?? This school of thought believes that no one is in the lake of fire or heaven yet.

3. This school of thought believes the dead is dead and gone forever... There's no heaven or lake of fire.

Which do you believe??

Is heaven for humans?? Or a description of what the new Earth will be after the removal of this present Earth?

Give scriptural references too if you have... Thanks

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