Akwa Ibom Government Arrested, Holding My Husband For Criticism - Perfecta Bassey - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

One month ago, the govt of Akwa Ibom state launched a witch hunt on my husband. Because my husband Da Zion Umoh consistently calls out their non performance on Facebook. First they arrested him without warrant & jailed him illegally for 3 days.

The day after his arrest, we were still at the station trying to find out the reason for his arrest when the police brought him out from the cell and started speeding away with him to an unknown location.

I raised alarm on Facebook and after running around the city looking for my husband, I got a phone call that he had been returned to the station. I don't know if this was as a result of calling it out early on Facebook.

On 24 Dec, police seized Zion's US passport which is the property of @USinNigeria and released him.
Then asked him to return on 29 Dec. Zion was ill in the days leading up to 29 December. The conditions of Uyo Jail is human rights violation on it's own.

On 29 December, the police visited Zion in hospital and their words were "ok we have seen you, please return to the station when you recover".
On 30 Dec, after reporting to the hospital, Zion went to the station because he was invited again for a 'Discussion'. He was rearrested.

The next day, a magistrate ordered that he be held in prison, while the state filed information on their case. How is this allowed to happen in Nigeria? Zion was in prison based on paper charges for one month! No information was filed by the state!

After the admin hurdle of getting a bail hearing date, on the day of the bail hearing, the state dropped all earlier charges. A delay tactic to stop the hearing from happening. They informed us that he wouldn't be released because they filed a new charge of terrorism. @amnesty

Today, they suddenly moved Zion from Ikot ekpene Prison to Uyo Prison. We heard through the grapevine. Neither our lawyers nor @USinNigeria were informed. Calls from US consulate official was ignored. Please help shine the light on this, so that we can all watch their actions.

Link to Zion's Facebook
Awaibomites who have raised their voices with us are now rumoured to be on a wanted list.
The police still have his passport

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