Would You Receive The COVID-19 Vaccine If Offered Today? - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

It would be nice to see what nigerian feel about receiving the covid vaccine.

I have received my first jab as I work for the NHS in UK and now have to wait for the second jab as there are uncertainty about the timing of the second jab.
Would like to know if Nigerians would be happy to receive the covid vaccine and which of vaccines
A bit of a background
The WHO has given emergency authorization for the use of the pfizer/biotech vaccine meaning this would be available for use in developing countries who don't have their own internal mechanism for such decisions, Nigeria inclusive.
Also, the Astrazeneca vaccine has being approved in some countries such as the UK and recently ,India. It may well be on course for WHO to approve it , this would be a vaccine for use in developing nations as it's easier to store and transport unlike the pfizer/biotech that needs temperature of less than -70degrees.
And there are many more vaccines still in various states of trials, 49 of them are already named.
The federal government is planning to spend 400billion naira on vaccine , but it is very important to see what opinions are , if people are willing to receive the jab or not.
Studies conducted by the FDA in the USA shows that African-Americans are less likely to receive the jab with as low as 4 in 10 saying they would receive the jab.
So, would you be happy to receive the jab??

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