Bishop Oyedepo: "Noisemakers Don't Last Only Newsmakers Do" - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog


Bishop David Oyedepo at CHoP
*“He is stupid, he is mad” – they are all mere opinions, they don’t carry any weight.
*I’ve kept going since 1976, some noisemakers are making noise in 2020. I’ve been going before they knew A,B,C
* Honour from man is as temporal as man. When God honours a man, even after his death, the honour continues.
*Wake up: Face where you are going.


The scriptures cannot be broken; any Church that is not on the go cannot experience growth. Only a church on the go grow. Jesus told me that when He came to the world, someone had to tell someone else, ‘come and see’. Only a church on the go grow; a church without a people on the go never grows (Luke 14:23).

In the growth of the Church lies the glory of the participating saints. That’s the story of Anita’s testimony; she went on the go:
- She got a brand-new car free of charge.
- She went on the go and the marital siege over her life was broken like a ‘magic’ (that’s what she said).
In the growth of the Church lies the glory of all engaging saints (Jeremiah 30:19,21). It is going to market the gospel that brings growth.
“come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: Is not this the Christ?” – John 4:29
Not just marketing this time but aggressive marketing is key to making great sales in any marketing endeavour: ‘WON’T LET GO’ approach in marketing; compelling them to come because of the values you believe is awaiting them.
We call it aggressive because He used the word “…COMPEL THEM TO COME IN, THAT MY HOUSE MAY BE FILLED” (Luke 14:23).
1 Corinthians 9:16, 22; Philippians 1:21, Romans 1:16
I remember when we were up in a village outreach many years ago and I said, “Don’t wait for ‘Come in’ when you knock. Step in and they would listen to you.” And they did. Praise God.

Jude 1:23 – a house that is burning, you don’t look for permission. Everybody brings everything he has to quench the fire.
Therefore, we must keep sowing the seed of the Word as we reach out to the lost and watering the same by prayers. Remember: if we must continue to experience supernatural church growth because no matter the quality of the seed, without watering, it will never be turned into harvest. So, we sow the seed of the Word by reaching out to the lost with the gospel. We water the seeds sown by standing in the place of prayers (1 Corinthians 3:6).
We pray to break the hold of the devil over the lives of the lost so that they can be released from his captivity.

We pray to see them established in the Faith and see them delivered from every chain of the wicked one. We sow the seed of the Word by preaching the gospel, we water the seed by engaging the altar of prayer; God who sees your engagement in secret as vowed to reward you openly.

The good news is:
- For every engaging Winner, God has vowed to terminate shame and reproach in your life.
- Before this prophetic season is over, the 3 months of September, October, November; shame and reproach will be as far as from you as the East is from the West.
- Nothing around anyone engaging with this prophetic season will connote shame.
- Your children will not be ashamed.
- Your business will not be ashamed.
- You will not be ashamed in your career.

In every marketing firm, it is the level of sales that a staff makes that determines his ranking. It is not his age, not his experience.
“We have these products”; then you go out there and make ten times the sale of the most senior person – you will take his place because what they want is who will sell these products.
A young man got into a company that wasn’t making any sales and he sold about 2,000 (or 20,000) bags that year. He became a shareholder.

Your star rises by the level of sales you make!
No wonder the Bible says, “…as the stars forever” (Daniel 12:3). Those effective gospel salesmen.
In the multitude of people is the King’s honour (Proverbs 14:28)
He that honours me, I will honour (1 Samuel 2:10).
We become entitled to his honour as we honour him by being in partnership with Him in bringing multitudes to Him. He wipes away our shame and reproach.

Every revival is validated by massive salvation of souls and ingathering of souls. When you don’t see that, it is not a revival.
Revival is a manifestation of divine visitation. He will SAVE and GATHER (Zephaniah 3:17-20).
Anyone that is a part of it becomes entitled to those amazing packages.
Shame and reproach replaced with Fame and Praise by the mighty hand of God.
Real honour is the one that comes from God (John 5:41). Honour from man is as temporal as man. When God honours a man, even after his death, the honour continues because whatever God does shall be forever.
John 5:44

“He is stupid, he is mad” – they are all mere opinions, they don’t carry any weight.
But Newsmakers, men and women of impact, they keep living while they are dead. Praise God.
Commentators don’t have names in any sporting event.
“Number 11, move, stupid, mad”
You will never become a star player by being a commentator. You get on the field to play. It’s the impact of your play that determines who is a star player and who is not.
Wake up: Face where you are going!

This year by the grace of God, we have seen about 6,000 Churches planted in spite of lock down or lock up. To the glory of Jesus. With thousands in villages and hamlets where they had no Light whatsoever; Jesus stepped in, to shatter the darkness of their lives.
Till Jesus comes, it will be said that, “During lock down, a Church was busy planting churches everywhere and triumphing gloriously.” It will be news.

That implies 6,000 minimum manpower: a number of them have Security (personnel), a number of them have Assistants and you can just imagine to show that no lock down or lock up can scuttle a divine agenda.
That’s news, that’s what to bother about. It’s not just news for now, it’s news for a long time to come.

These fellows went, occupied with the talents He gave them and made more: Jesus said, “have thou authority over 10 cities, over 5 cities.”
How much you make is what determines where you are placed. It’s not just, ‘I’ve been trying’. I have been trying doesn’t answer the question.
You have a target of what sales to make and you are coming with an explanation: that doesn’t change your position. In fact, you stand the risk of being removed, “why occupy space for nothing?”
Because you are engaging on the Prayer Altar, you are engaging with sharing the gospel with your friends. You don’t need to wear a cloak, “I’m a Soul Winner”! No

Just sow the seed of Love, the seed of the Word into a neighbour, a colleague at work, friends, relation.
There is one place where you can’t miss a solution to your problem – Jesus (Matthew 11:28).
He has answers to all people’s issues.
“This thing you are going through, Jesus has an answer for free”
You are marketing the gospel at the level of that individual because of your relationship with him.
It’s your turn for a change of story.
No assumption, we must continue to make sales to experience a change of story. Actual sales, not theoretical sales.

She said, “I brought 2 souls to Church that Sunday” (documented testimony). The Word of the Lord came and she said, “that Word is for me”; Jesus proved that the Word for her and settled her.
Every form of Marital Siege that appears in service tomorrow will return as a testimony.
Every tension, storms, uproars in homes shall come to a final end.
Every siege of marital delay, every form of marital chains holding some families/lineage down shall be shattered by the power of God.
Hosea 12:13

You can’t get yourself out of a pit without help from outside. God is throwing a lifeline to bail some fellows out tomorrow:
- Out of managing marriage, to ENJOYING MARRIAGE
- Out of marital delay to MARITAL MIRACLE
- Out of marital generational curse. I met a young lady here, 11 of them: none married. Jesus broke the siege like a dream of the night. That’s what will happen tomorrow.
Covenant Day of Marital Breakthrough is not just for people that are looking up to God to be married;

- It’s for those who are married as if they are not married.
- It’s for those who are married and wish they were not married yet can’t put their fingers in most cases on what the issues are. The enemy has done that; it must pack its luggage and go.
I must tell you this, there are many separated homes that will be brought back together under that prophetic service.
- Many ‘Walked Away’ wives will walk back tomorrow in a hurry. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Why specialized services every Sunday? That’s our Ministry. Those are products of the Liberation Mandate: to wipe away tears from all faces.

We target from time to time by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, issues that cause tears behind closed doors, bring them out and shatter by the Word of the Faith and with Prophetic Unction bail out the captives.
There will still be another specialized service the coming Sunday, the one following. That’s our job, we are marketing the products of the Liberation Mandate. We are not playing tricks; from the beginning, it was not so, when I saw the weeping and now the Hour has come to Liberate the world from all oppressions of the taskmaster that makes them to weep through the preaching of the Word of Faith and I’m sending you to undertake this task.

We have that Mandate to stop the tears of men in turning their mourning into dancing.
The good news is, everybody’s kind of mourning whether in marital areas or not, shall be turned into dancing in that prophetic service.

Where the marketing of any product stops, is where the sales stops. So our marketing continues.
“Haah, they have come again with fliers!” we still have another next Sunday.
All things are ready. The question is what things are ready?
Are my own things ready?
We are on a Mission, “come and see. A table is being prepared, a table of fat things that will wipe away tears from all faces and swallow up death in victory” (Isaiah 25:6-cool.

The marketing continues and we are engaging in aggressive marketing today. Never mind the insults of individuals, others will receive you.
“Get out my friend”: that’s okay. Thank you very much. With a smile, no reaction.
Tomorrow, he will join you doing that.
Every time one person rejects you, 3 will receive you and one will find it at least; one must fall on good ground. You must go all hunting for ‘good ground’ hearts as you move out.

“Get off my friend” – that’s by the wayside.
“What do you have to say, you have come again!” – He is cumbered by the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches.
“Yes, do you have anything more to say?” – That’s on a stony ground.
“Would you like me to pray with you: Please do” – That’s a good ground.
You will always find one out of every 4 contacts you make. Don’t let the first 3 put you off, keep going. I’ve kept going since 1976, some noisemakers are making noise in 2020. I’ve been going before they knew A,B,C; I am enjoying the going. The devils in hell know that I am enjoying the going. All the demons in their midst know I’m enjoying it.

Refreshing, Fulfilling, Energizing, Honourable!
When honour comes from God, forget it. Years and years after, you are no longer here; the honour is still speaking.
That’s the kind of honour that everyone in this Church is entitled to and that’s the kind you will have:
- It will impact on your children. It will impact on your children’s children.
- They won’t run after anybody in your lineage to know the Lord.
- They will know the Lord free of charge. They will serve the Lord with utmost delight.
- The devil shall not have a foothold in your lineage. Amen.

Receive grace for shameless marketing of the gospel (Psalm 119:46).
Grace for tireless marketing of the gospel.
Grace for outstanding results in your marketing.
Pray for effectual grace, for effective marketing of the gospel.
Lord, I refuse to return empty into your presence tomorrow.
That individual brought 2 souls, everything turned around in her favour instantly.
Whether you are on the prayer altar or on the go, everyone shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.

Your prayer that ‘everyone invited for that service tomorrow must appear’ is an input; it is recorded in Heaven and will be openly rewarded on the earth.
Every call you make, ‘endeavour to be in that service tomorrow’ is a secret call but it is recorded in Heaven and shall be openly rewarded. Every step you take to share the gospel with anyone is done privately but recorded in Heaven for open rewards.
Nobody is left out:

- You can get on the Prayer Altar and pray for tomorrow’s service in a manner you have never prayed before.
- You can make contacts of all the converts that you’ve had to be sure that they are gathered tomorrow, particularly because of the series we are running on godliness which is fundamental to the future of every believer. The foundation of God stands sure (2 Timothy 2:19). You catch it once, you enjoy it for life. The good news is, sin shall no longer have dominion in your life.
- The same Daniel purposed in his heart and lived right for God all his days (Daniel 1:cool. From this month on, your uprightness before God shall be a resounding one.
- Market the prophetic focus of the month: to be spiritually minded is life and peace; to be carnally minded is death (Romans 8:6). You have your marital issues settled but you can have it defiled by ungodliness. Everything that pertains to us can only be sustained by sustaining our quality walk with God.
- The good news is: you have the products, go and market it. Jesus will honour you openly as you engage with Him secretly.
Speak to this day:
It’s your day!!! This day opens up to you today, opens up to you right now with amazing results. A day of spiritual investments that will result in open dividends.

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