UN Security Council Rejects US Bid To Extend Iran Arms Embargo - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

Crisis looms as UNSC overwhelmingly rejects US resolution to indefinitely extend an arms embargo on Iran.

The United Nations Security Council has resoundingly rejected a US bid to extend a global arms embargo on Iran, with Russian President Vladimir Putin proposing a summit of world leaders to avoid "confrontation" over a threat by Washington to trigger a return of all UN sanctions on Tehran.

In the Security Council vote on Friday, Washington got support only from the Dominican Republic for its resolution to indefinitely extend the arms embargo on Iran, leaving it far short of the minimum nine "yes" votes required for adoption.

Eleven members on the 15-member body, including France, Germany and the United Kingdom, abstained.

Russia and China strongly opposed extending the 13-year ban, which was due to expire on October 18 under a 2015 nuclear deal signed between Iran and six world powers.

Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, announced the defeat of the resolution ahead of a very brief virtual council meeting to reveal the vote.

"The Security Council's failure to act decisively in defense of international peace and security is inexcusable," he said in a statement.

Israel and the six Arab Gulf nations who supported the extension "know Iran will spread even greater chaos and destruction if the embargo expires", Pompeo said, "but the Security Council chose to ignore them".

Zhang Jun, China's ambassador to the UN, said in a statement that the result "once again shows that unilateralism receives no support and bullying will fail".

Washington could now follow through on a threat to trigger a return of all UN sanctions on Iran using a provision in the nuclear deal, known as snapback, even though US President Donald Trump had unilaterally abandoned the accord in 2018. On Thursday, the US had circulated to council members a six-page memo outlining why Washington remains a participant in the nuclear accord and still has the right to use the snapback provision.

In a statement after the vote, US Ambassador to the UN Kelly Craft said Washington has "every right to initiate" the snapback mechanism, and added: "In the coming days, the United States will follow through on that promise to stop at nothing to extend the arms embargo."

'Diplomatic catastrophe'

Al Jazeera's Kristen Saloomey, reporting from New York, said the US's defeat on Friday was not a surprise.

"But it's a surprise that the US bid failed so miserably," she said.

"Any party to the nuclear accord could trigger the 'snapback' provision if Iran is seen to be in violation of the accord. But Russia and China say the US's withdrawal from the deal two years ago means it has forfeited its right to do that. Other members of the council would seem to agree," she said.

"The Europeans have expressed some misgivings about conventional weapons going into Iran. But at the end of the day, they say their concern about a nuclear weapon is paramount."

Under the deal, Iran agreed to limits on its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief and other benefits. Following the US withdrawal and imposition of unilateral sanctions, Tehran has already scaled back compliance with parts of the accord. Diplomats have said triggering the "snapback" provision would put the fragile agreement further at risk because Iran would lose a major incentive for limiting its nuclear activities.

Iran's UN Ambassador Majid Takht Ravanchi warned Washington against trying to trigger a return of sanctions.

"Imposition of any sanctions or restrictions on Iran by the Security Council will be met severely by Iran and our options are not limited. And the United States and any entity which may assist it or acquiesce in its illegal behavior will bear the full responsibility," he said in a statement.

Iran fires missile at mock US aircraft carrier during exercise (2:00)
Jarret Blanc, senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told Al Jazeera the US's failed bid amounted to a "diplomatic catastrophe".

"It demonstrates that President Donald Trump and his team are not only bad at the strategy of approaching Iran, they are bad at the day to day tactics of diplomacy. It is unconscionable that the US couldn't round up more than one vote for a resolution like this."

But some analysts said they suspect that Washington put forward a hardline draft purposefully, knowing that council members would not be able to accept it.

"The fact is that everybody at the UN believes this [resolution] is just a prelude to a US effort to trigger snapback and sink the Iranian nuclear deal," Richard Gowan, a UN expert at the International Crisis Group, told AFP news agency.

While voting on the US draft resolution was under way, Russia said Putin called for a meeting of leaders of the five permanent members of the Security Council along with Germany and Iran to avoid escalation over US attempts to extend the Iranian arms embargo.

In statement released by the Kremlin, Putin said "the question is urgent", adding that the goal of the videoconference would be "to outline steps to avoid confrontation and exacerbation of the situation in the UN Security Council".

"If the leaders are fundamentally ready for a conversation, we propose to promptly coordinate the agenda," Putin said. "The alternative is to further build up tension, to increase the risk of conflict. This development must be avoided."

Asked if he would take part, Trump told reporters: "I hear there's something, but I haven't been told of it yet."

French President Emmanuel Macron's office confirmed France's "availability in principle" to Putin's proposal. "We have in the past deployed initiatives in the same spirit," it said.

Jarret Blanc, senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, called the US’s failed bid a “diplomatic catastrophe”.
“It demonstrates that President Donald Trump and his team are not only bad at the strategy of approaching Iran, they are bad at the day to day tactics of diplomacy. It is unconscionable that it couldn’t round up more than one vote for a resolution like this.”


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