Why Your Prayers Are Not Answered - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

What's wrong with me? My prayers are not answered. Have asked that question? You are welcomed to my crib. Let's have a friendly chitchat

Good morning and a beautiful Sunday to you...

I prayed and didn't get answers. It got me thinking, why do some people get answers and I don't. Maybe, I am doing it the wrong way or am I doing it with an unclear conscience or am I in doubt? what's wrong?
I know you have asked that kind of question. I pray God answers you through me. Amen

Let's pray
Father in heaven, we thank you for your gift of Jesus, the gift of this new day and your love which you shed in our hearts. We thank you for all you have done and all you will do. We come before you in great humility and submit our will to your kingship. Open our hearts and mind sto receive you. Speak to us through your words in ways we can understand and let your spirit in us reveal you to us.
We ask you in Jesus name. Amen

Causes of unanswered prayers:
1) You may have been asking amiss and with wrong motives
(James 4:3) KJV
What are your intentions? Are they right? God is not a man that he can be deceived he searches your hearts and knows your genuine intentions. Are you praying so that people will say: haa! she is a prayer warrior (like the Pharisee) or are you really seeking a connection and pouring out to God. Are you praying to boast to men that your prayers get answered?
Check your motives dear loved one.
Soln: Keep asking God to teach you his ways that you may die to pride or showmanship. Consciously rebuke those thoughts when they come. You have the power of resurrection in you.
2) He will answer you.

Come confidently to his throne of mercy and grace.
Some come with "let me try if this thing will even work" Hmmm...(I did that before)
God is more willing to answer you than you are to ask. (Jeremiah 29:12)
He loves you and will hear you when you cry out (Psalm 106:43-45)
So come as you are

3) The prayer of a righteous man:
(James 5:16)

Sincerely ask God for forgiveness for the sins you have done. But wait, you can't use God. You can't apologize just to get what you want from him and turn back to your evil ways.
Life in Christ is the best. Choose it.

4) Ask the holy spirit to help u:
(Romans 8:26)
He is the helper. He will help you even when words can't express how you feel (isn't he a good God that even provides help when our strengths have failed)

5) Ask in Jesus name:
John 15:16:
The father will give you whatever you ask of him in my name. Jesus is the key to get to the father. (Note this it is important)

6) Pray his word:
Give God his words and the promise of his words will be your portion (Don't forget to do it with faith). Pray the bible. As you study the word daily if any part speaks to you, use it as a prayer. It is his word and you know it is important to him. Write it done and make prophetic declarations about them

7)Thank God
Gratitude is very important. Even if you didn't see the manifestation yet (Philippians 4:6)
It is pride that makes you not to thank him (2 Chronicles 32:25)
Thank him cos he has already done it for you.

cool Submit it to his will:
Patience is important. Wait! it may not be time yet. But whilecyou wait what should you do?...Thanksgiving cos he has done it already.

Some prayers need you to call those faithful to help you so that their faith can help your faith (Matt 18:19) (James 5:14-15)

Faith is the bedrock. No prayer works without faith. Forget about the problem. It is difficult I know but you have to try dear loved one.
Devil will bring doubt, confess the assurance of the answered prayer. Dance when ever you remember it. Cos it has been answered.
You can also make a covenant with God (some kind of petitions need this) Let's the spirit lead you in this..he will speak to you about it and how to go about it. You are blessed
Those changed my prayer life. I am glad to share them with you, beloved.

So Let's go and do it the right way.
Your faithfully

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