Make Heaven Or Die Trying - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

When I gave my life to Jesus at a very tender age, I thought it will be an experience that will be void of challenges but as I grew and life began to take away my innocence, I suddenly came face to face with the reality that I can never ever live a sinless life. I constantly battle with addictions, bad habits, and sins then fear crept in and I began to doubt my salvation, I began to doubt my chances of ever making heaven.

But I became liberated when I found out that GOD is never hard on me. All he wants me to do is to never ever condemn myself because I struggle with sins and addictions even after I have accepted Christ as savior(Romans 8:1) but that I continually work out my salvation with fear and trembling(Philippians 2:12) and this simply means that I must never find pleasure in sins, but acknowledge my weaknesses, but if I do sin, I can always come to him to ask for forgiveness, mercies, and strength to carry on(1 John 2:1)even if I struggle with sins till the point of death...

The narrative above applies to many believers who had at a point accepted Jesus but still struggled with their salvation afterward.

The secret the Devil does not want believers to understand is that the moment you give your life to Jesus, you are guaranteed a place in heaven if you do not give up on yourself because GOD will never ever give up on you. The devil will constantly accuse you with your sins so that you can give up your salvation but the gospel truth is that Your bad habits, addictions, and even sins can never ever separate you from the love of GOD as long as you are always willing to let go and allow GOD to help you.
Just as it is written...Romans 8 Verses 38 to 39. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

No matter the sins, addictions or bad habits you struggle with, you can do away with them totally if you sincerely want to. The biggest problem is that people always believe they can fight the battles on their own but it is impossible for anyone to do that...all you need is ask the Holy Spirit to help you overcome whatever bad habit, addiction, and sins you battle with and you will be amazed how easy it will be for you to hate those vices you thought you can never do without.

The bottom line is that as long as you come to Jesus, you are guaranteed heaven if you don't give up on yourself even if you struggle with sins till the day you die...

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