5 Common Ways God Can Speak To You - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

The ability to hear directly from God is one of the greatest achievements any Christian can make on earth. There are 3 types of voices a Christian can hear:
* Voice of flesh(self)
* Voice of the devil
* Voice of God
The goal is to know the voice of God perfectly to recognize the voices of counterfeit, because the devil is a master impersonator. God's words glorify him always, makes you love him the more. God's words can never contradict the Bible. Whenever you hear a voice that contradicts the Word of God know it's from the devil. Very common examples of devil's voices are:
* Go and commit fornication with that church member for more anointing. My grace is sufficient for you.(It is against 1 Cor 6:18)
* Stop attending any church just worship me from your house (God can never tell you to stop attending church services, however he can direct you to another Bible believing Church that will groom you properly). It's against Heb 10:25, Ecc 4:9-11, 1 Thes 5:11.

How does God speak to us.
Visions and trances
In Acts 10:8, God spoke to Peter through this way and he still does it today. The devil has his own counterfeit. He too can disguise as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). He mostly uses astral travel and out of the body experiences. (Whenever you see a vision or supernatural encounter watch out if the name of Jesus is mentioned, if you can speak out His name thrice and watch out for reactions).

Our Conscience
That little still voice telling us to good and judging us is the voice of God. His laws are in the hearts of every human being, however disobeying the voice results in a hardened heart that rarely hears God. Prov 20:27 says the Spirit of man is the lamp of God, searching his innermost heart ( conscience).

Divine Ideas
Attimes during prayers, an idea you weren't thinking of can jump into her heart. That is one the ways God speaks to you. He can also put pressure in your heart to perform a good cause.

Others are the directing us to the Scriptures, dreams, directing us to His true messengers(prophets), through sermons, Christian meditation(not yoga).

Share other ways through which you have heard the voice of God.

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