How Lust Can Lead You Into Great Trouble - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

Lust is usually the culprit as far as sexual immorality is concerned. It is a fuel that has a capacity to push people into indulging in sexual immoral acts - premarital sex, extramarital sex, pornography, masturbation, and so on. Lust is one of the devil's most favourite weapons. When he struck with lust, many persons easily find themselves commiting sexual sins and attract afflicting afflictions into their lives.

Lust precedes sin; sin brings about separation from God. Separation from God your Creator will give the devil your enemy an access to ruthlessly plunder your life and destiny here on earth, and get you doomed in hell fire (which is for eternity).

A lot of people out there are under the shackles of lust, and it has vehemently corrupted their heart and mind and thoughts. Lust will always dip people into trouble. Jesus Christ said: "Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:28). Imagine that. It means the curses attached to the person that indulged in the real act of sexual immorality can also follow the one who only lustfully imagined the pleasures in the heart.

I know a lot of people out there are still battling with lust You reading this right now might be one of them. The good news is that, you can be delivered from the demonic stronghold called lust today.

What should you do? Simply follow these steps:

1. Depend On The Finished Works Of Christ

The Bible revealed that the spirit is willing (to yield to the will of God), but the flesh is weak. Immediately after the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the human nature became brutally perverted, and it was corrupted into becoming an entity that enjoys sin.

Therefore, you must realise that you can't conquer lust with your own futile attempts and strength. What should you do then? Depend wholly on what Christ has done for you. You must first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you haven't do that, say this prayer with sincerity:

"LORD Jesus, I accept You as Lord and Savior. I acknowledged that I'm a sinner. Please, Forgive me all my sins and wash me clean with Your precious Blood. Henceforth, I'm Yours alone. Amen".

When you dedicate (or rededicate) your life to Christ, you will have to die to self, and He will resurrect you. He will give you His Holy Spirit to help you live a life devoid of lust. Please, ask the Holy Spirit for help.

2. Empower Your Mind, Heart And Thoughts With The Word Of God

Your heart and mind can't be empty - it must be occupied and filled with something. To prevent lust from dominating your life, fill it then with the Word of God. Equip yourself with the Word of God, and you will be empowered not to sin. The Bible says: "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee" (Psalm 119:11).

The Word of God is power, and it will strengthen you to resist sin of all types. Don't forget, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32).

3. Avoid All Lustful Entities And Appearances

While the Holy Spirit is always available and eager to help, you must also realize that you have your role to play.

You should avoid persons whose lifestyle (dressing, conversations, etc) brings about lust. You should ensure you don't give room for the flesh, and should avoid dirty things that erupts lustful desires and thoughts (dirty magazines, books, movies, music, etc). Don't be in places with an immoral atmosphere (clubs, wild parties, and so on) too. Avoid situations that brings breeds lust (intimate contact with sensitive parts of members of the opposite gender, and so on).

In conclusion, you are destined to live a life of purity and holiness, maintaining an eternal intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ the Lord. This will empower you to adequately fulfill your destiny and have complete dominion over creation.

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