Is It A Sin For Married Couples To Use Condoms? - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog


This post is an offshoot of a recent thread titled, "Are we truly safe when we commit sin with condoms?"

That thread was primarily intended to use the Truth of Jesus Words to disprove the idea being sold by the world in the name of "safe sex", that someone who commits a sexual sin, let's say, adultery, using a condom could yet be truly safe.

But then a someone with the moniker @Prettyjanet1 pops up with this interesting question:

How about married couples using condoms? Is it a sin?

So that's obviously where I got the thread title from, and this was my answer to the question:

During sex with themselves? Except the sex between themselves is a sin, otherwise it is not a sin for me, because using condom is not a sin in itself in my opinion.


So married couples using condoms was not considered a sin to me then, and that corroborated my position on the Op of that thread that I wasn't against the use of condoms because I didn't believe that it was a bad thing.

But then came someone else with the moniker @Godsonjolly with the following question:

If u say using condom is not a sin, can u then explain this
Genesis 38:9 (KJV) And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.
Genesis 38:10 (KJV) And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore he slew him also.

This was my response:

I believe he was killed for his intent of spilling his seed on the floor not the act itself.

The purpose of his sleeping with the wife of his brother was to raise up seed for his dead brother,
so if he didn't want to do so, he shouldn't have slept with her at all.

But he did so and yet spilled the seed on the floor, so that was a very wicked act before God, hence his death.

God bless.

Then he said:

OK. Ever since that act, the Bible hasn't recorded such again. I don't really think married couples should use condom while mating. Children are gifts from God so let's raise as many seeds God wants us to have. Just saying from my own perspective on. No one should come judge me

But his comment seemed to make some sense to me, hence my response:

To be honest I'm more inclined to your line of thought, and would prefer married couples don't use condoms because I don't think it's perfect to do so.

So you have a point.

Thanks and God bless.
Therefore his comment agreed with my inclination on the use of condoms amongst married couples, because I believe that God should have the last say on the amount of kids a couple should have, even though at the time I didn't consider it to be a sin if they did so.

However the difference in this case was that I somehow just found it hard to include the part that "it was not a sin to me" in the final post of my conversation with him, as I did in my response to the first question, even though I had initially typed it. So I just had to chop that part off before posting, because at that point, it just felt quite uncomfortable to include it, as it just didn't seem right.

So it seemed my initial position about married couples using condoms during sex not being a sin had began to experience a bit of a wobble.

And to add to that uncertainty, there was a development I had noticed after making that thread, and it was the word "condom" suddenly beginning to feature in my tongues. But I felt very uncomfortable with that for obvious reasons, even though I had just done a thread that had something to do with that, as I had expected to move on from that since I had accomplished what I intended with that thread. So the last thing I was expecting was for it to start showing up in my tongues.

But it was later when I began to say "condom na sirin" repeatedly in tongues, that the picture began to become clearer of what the message appeared to be, as it sounded like "condom na sin" in pidgin English.

I began to have the feeling that perhaps the Holy Spirit wasn't pleased with the impression I had given about the use of condoms on the Op of that thread, where I said that I wasn't against the use of condoms and didn't believe that it was a bad thing, so that i would correct it.

But it was when I came back to the thread and saw where I had categorically responded to @Prettyjanet1's question, and said that use of condoms by married couples wasn't a sin, and had followed my responses up til the final response I gave on that same matter, where I was no longer comfortable to say it was a sin as i had done initially, that it became much clearer to me what actually happened then, and what that had to do with my spoken tongues about condoms.

So I believe the message of the Spirit of God is that it is a sin in God's sight for marriage couples to use condoms, just as that brother @Godsonjolly had insinuated, to correct my initial response that it wasn't a sin.

And though I don't think it's a sin that could lead married couples to hell, I believe that God is not happy when married couples use condoms during sex, as it usurps Him of His right as the One who determines giving kids or not in a marriage.

This may have been one of the things that displeased God concerning Onan that made Him slay him as was suggested by @Godsonjolly, for in the Bible days there were no condoms, so child bearing among married couples was solely God's prerogative, therefore Onan may have also dishonored God by what he did.

This is not intended to frighten or judge married couples, however I believe that especially for christians, it's best to follow the examples given in the Bible where childbearing in marriage was usually attributed to God, and the amount of children was determined by Him, so that condoms would not take God's place in determining how many kids they have.

That would obviously require married couples completely trusting God concerning childbearing, but i believe the marriages of those do so surely shall surely reap the rewards of them placing such extent of trust in God, because God alone best knows how many children a married couple should have.

God bless.

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