10 Tips To Write A SEO Optimized Article - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

SEO Optimized Article on a blog are to show any blog in the first page in search results, we need to write a full SEO optimized article on our blog so that the search engine can easily read our article and show it on the first page because as long as Our blog does not show on the first page Traffic does not come on our blog. "SEO Optimized Article"

So today we are telling you about some such things, by using which you will be able to show your article on the first page in the search result and also you can write quality content for your blog.

1.Keyword Selection for SEO Optimized Article

When you write an article on a topic, then that topic is your main keyword, so before writing an article, you have to see how much the competition is on that keyword as well as how much the Searches of that keyword are.

By which you will be idea which keyword you should use in your article. We will suggest you that you always select only low competition keywords so that you have to face less competition and you can easily rank your article.

2. Create Headings and Sub-Headings for your Article

After you have selected the keyword, after this you will have to focus on the headings that you can use the headings in your article, in how many headings you have to implement your main keywords and in how many headings you have to use alternative headings.

Let us clear one thing in advance that Google shows those articles on the top which have more information as well as the use of alternative keywords, so Headings are very important for you.

3. Write Readable Paragraphs

Using paragraphs in the article increases the readability of your article, so that people can easily read and understand your article. Therefore, you should use more and more paragraphs in your article.

When you write an article, always try to do any new thing or when you have to add something new in your Sentence or you are going to do something extra explain, then write them in the New Paragraphs itself so that that thing is in your Readers understood well.

4.SEO Optimized Paragraphs

When you write an article, first of all enter your main keywords in the first and second paragraphs so that the search engine can instantly identify your main keyword and show your article on the top.

In the first paragraph, you should enter your main keyword at least 1 and not more than 2 times and in the second paragraph only 1 time because if you use your main keywords more in these paragraphs, then the keyword will be stuffing in your article. And your Artilce will not be able to rank, so be very careful in placing keywords.

5. Well Image Optimization

Search Engine cannot read images, so both Blogger and WordPress provide you the facility of Image Optimization so that you can optimize your image.

You can write your Main Keyword in the image by optimizing your image, which is very important for Search Ranking.

Many times when you use many (more than one) images in an article, do not enter your Main Keyword at all on those images at all, it is very bad from SEO's Point of View and your article is never ranked. does not make.

Therefore, you should use the keywords of your headings or alternative keywords on your images, which will increase the density of your alternative keywords, and if those keywords are searched, your article can get a chance to come to the top.

6.SEO Optimized Permalinks

When we create a blog, our blog has an address, similarly when we write an article, then that article also has an address (URL) from which in the language of On Page SEO is called Permalink.

Both Blogger and Wordpress provide you the facility of Permalink Optimization so that you can make your Permalink SEO Friendly Permalink.

To make Permalink SEO Friendly, you have to focus on a few things like:

Your Permalink should be small. The shorter Permalink you write, the better it is for your article.
You can enter your Main Keyword in your Permalink.
Do not use Stop Words in Permalink.

7. SEO Optimized Description

When you search for a Keyword (Topic) on the Internet, the results you get are shown in the three Choices from the same website, in which Title, Permalink and Description are given.

By reading the description, the readers get to know what they will get to read in that article, and most people open the articles only by reading the description, so the description is very important for you.

You can write an SEO Optimized Description for your article. Which should be less than 140 words because if you use more words than this, then your description will not show properly in the search results and will not be well understood in reading.

8. Internal Links Linking

When you write an article, you can add a link to your other articles to your article so that when a Visitor visits your article, he gets to know about your other articles and he also reads them.

In addition, according to On Page SEO, internal links are very important for the article. To write an SEO friendly article, you must add all the articles or alternative articles on that topic to your article, so that the search engine knows how much information is available related to that keyword on your article.

By doing internal linking, your article SEO gets optimized and also helps you to increase traffic. Therefore, you must create internal links.

9. Write Competitive Article

To write a competitive article, your article must be at least 1000 words, only then it can come on the first page in the Article Search Results.

Many times many people get confused about what to write in an article of 1000 words so that the article can be so long, then we give you a suggestion.

As we told in the beginning itself, you have to create the headings and sub-headings before writing the article, so when you focus on the headings and sub-headings, then your article will be more than 1000 words and it will be first on the search engine. Also comes to the page.

10. Add Labels and Tags

By using labels and tags, you can easily rank your articles because here you can enter your Main Keyword and Target Keywords. Whereby Search Bots read your tags and shows your article on the first page.

We will suggest you to use Maximum 3 Tags or Labels in your article so that Search Bot is not confuse on reading your tags and your article can get push.


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