Which Is More Nutritious: Pap Or Custard? - Naijaextra - Entertainment Blog

For some time now I have maintained a diet of tea and bread in the morning, swallow or rice in the afternoon, then bean cake (akara) and pap in the evening,

Most time it's usually pap and bean cake as breakfast and dinner, I have come to love pap a lot, especially with liquid milk but due to the scarcity in my area (sometimes I rarely see it to buy) today after I walked for a long time looking for pap though I later bought two for this night and tomorrow morning, I saw custard on my way back and I bought it.

I prepared the custard this night and it tastes better than the pap but I feel pap could be more nutritious, any ideas of which is better because I feel like throwing away the two pap I bought this night.

I'm a bachelor

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